Store Locations
In our stores you'll find many thousands of items, many of which you'll find on this website too. For a list of our product categories and brands, click here. Note each store is unique and items carried may differ by location. We look forward to serving you!
10 Reasons to SHOP LOCAL Buy a Gift Card
San Francisco
Our San Francisco store is at the Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, and is the only art store in the country located within a national park! We are part of the FMC community that includes Greens, The Interval, Sunday Farmer's Market and many others. Click here for more info about our SF store.
Fort Mason Center
2 Marina Blvd, Bldg D
San Francisco, CA 94123 Google Map >>
Mon - Sat, 9:30am - 6:00pm
Sunday, 10:00am - 6:00pm
Our flagship store is in Downtown Oakland, conveniently located just a few blocks off hwy 980 and with Free Parking! Only a five minute walk from either the 12th or 19th Street BART stations. Click here for more information about our Oakland store.
1501 Martin Luther King Jr Way (at 15th St.)
Oakland CA, 94612 Google Map >>
Mon - Sat, 10:00am - 6:30pm
Sunday, 10:00am - 6:00pm