The Arts pARTnership Movement

The Arts pARTnership Movement

Americans for the Arts


Are you a member? Joining the Americans for the Arts Action Fund is free, and gives you the opportunity to advance the arts and arts education in your community and across the country. To join and learn more about the movement click here. Because Art Matters!


For business leaders, managers and teams looking to build their competitive advantage, another initiative from  Americans for the Arts is their "pARTnership Movement". The objective is to introduce the power of creative thinking and creative engagement that comes from exposure to the arts, and to prove the outcome is a win-win success.

8 Reasons to Partner with the Arts

Find an Arts Group in Your Community

Real Stories from Successful Partnerships


Americans for the Arts is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America. FLAX is a member and we encourage you to become one too!

26th Dec 2014 Flax

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