DIY Painted Sugar Skull Mask

DIY Painted Sugar Skull Mask

Here's an easy Day of the Dead DIY craft that's perfect to do with the kids!


Paper mache skull mask

Water based paint markers (we used Montana Acrylic and MTN Water Based paint markers)

Jacquard Lumier Dimensional Metallic Paint

Self-Stick Gems

White Glue

(For the rose, we used a pipe cleaner and tissue paper)


1. Map out your design in pencil first (unless you enjoy going freestyle!)

2. Draw around eye sockets and fill in large areas with paint markers.

3. Don't forget to cover all sides of the mask.

4. With a fine point marker add details or teeth to the mouth. Outline your design and add dots, swirls or spider webs to the colored areas.

5. Add self-adhesive rhinestones to your mask.

6. ***You can stop here, or go a step further by gluing flowers to the skull.

1st Nov 2017

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